Hermed inviteres til årets kursus hos Vet-Allergy. Vi har været heldige, at Professor Douglas DeBoer, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA har indvilliget i at holde dette kursus. Douglas er i dag en af de mest efterspurgte foredragsholdere på verdensplan. Douglas har fået frie hænder med hensyn til emner, og det tegner rigtigt godt. I sidste Nyhedsmail spurgte jeg om der var interesse for et 2-dages kursus og fik bl.a. denne tilbagemelding “Jeg vil gerne tilkendegive at et 2 dages kursus vil være en rigtig god ide, kommer ok mere i dybden og der er god tid til det sociale.” Det bliver derfor et 2-dages kursus som afholdes på Munkebjerg Hotel, Munkebjergvej 125, DK-7100 Vejle.
Day 1 – 14 Nov
08:30-09:00: Registration and Breakfast buffet
09:00-09:45: Diagnostic Evaluation of the Pruritic Dog
09.45-10.00: Coffee
10.00-11.15: Treating Canine AD: Pillars of Medical Management
11.15-11.30: Short break & Coffee
11.30-12.30: Treating Canine AD: Accessory Treatments that Help
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-14.45: Food and the Skin: What Do We Really Know?
14.45-15.45: Cytopoint, Apoquel, Atopica – How Do I Choose?
15.45-16.15: Break & Coffee
16.15-17.15 : Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy: Now and the Future
17.15-18.00 : The Future in Atopic Dermatitis Therapy
19.00 Dinner
Day 2 – 15 Nov
08.30-09.15: Diagnostic Evaluation of the Pruritic Cat
09.15-09.30: Break
09.30-10.15: Feline Facial Dermatoses
10.15-10.45: Coffee
10.45-11.45: Update on Diagnosing and Managing Dermatophytosis
11.45-12.45: Lunch
12.45-13.30: New Drugs on the Block: Dermatology Edition”
13.30-13.45: Break
13.45-14.30: Recurrent Pyoderma: Why Does it Happen, and What to Do?
14.30-15.00: Coffee
15.00-15.45: Topical therapy in Skin Disease: What to Use When
15.45-16.00: Closing Remarks
Kursusafgift uden overnatning: 4000,- excl moms
Kursusafgift incl overnatning: 4800,- excl moms
Tilmelding ved mail på: kursus@vet-allergy.com
Douglas DeBoer
The Dermatology Laboratory currently conducts applied clinical research in the area of allergy and staphylococcal skin infection. We seek to identify improvements that can be made in diagnostic tests for allergy, and new treatments for allergy. We are also interested in the relationship between staphylococcal
infection and allergy, and ways to help manage recurrent staphylcoccal skin infection in allergic dogs.
Dr. DeBoer lectures in core dermatology principles for 3rd year students and teaches 4th year students in the dermatology clinical rotation. He is a frequent lecturer at national and international continuing education courses for graduate veterinarians seeking to enhance their expertise in dermatology.
Clinical Interests
Diagnosis and treament of skin diseases in dogs and cats; allergic skin disease in dogs and cats; recurrent bacterial skin infections.
Vi ses på Hotel Munkebjerg den 14.-15. november