Chiara Noli, DVM, Dip ECVD (CN)
Kristian Pedersen, DVM, Vet-Allergy (KP)
Albert Carré-Llopis, Managing Director at HESKA (AC-L)
09.00 – 09.45 Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis and food allergy CN
09.45 – 10.30 Environmental and food allergens (type, biology cross reactions, etc.) KP
10.30 – 11.00 Pause, Kaffe/te og hjemmebag
11.00 – 11.45 Clinical presentation of AD and FA in dogs and initial diagnostic approach CN
11.45 – 12.30 Focus on diagnosis of food allergy KP (serum) and/or (diet) CN
12.30 – 13.30 Frokost med køkkenets specialiteter
13.30 – 14.15 Cats are not small dogs: clinical presentation of allergy in cats CN
14.15 – 15.00 Complications of allergy in cats (infections etc.) CN
15.00 – 16.00 Generalforsamling, pause med Kaffe/te og hjemmebag
16.00 – 17.30 Theory and usefulness of the detection of allergen specific IgE AC-L
19.00 – Middag, 3 retter med smagen af Sinatur
08.30 – 09.30 Interpretation of test results and selection of allergens for immunotherapy under Danish conditions KP
09.30 – 10.00 Immunotherapy the Italian and Danish experience CN + KP
10.00 – 10.30 Kaffepause
10.30 – 11.15 Symptomatic therapy of canine atopic dermatitis CN
11.15 – 12.00 Symptomatic therapy of canine atopic dermatitis CN
12.00 – 13.00 Frokost med køkkenets specialiteter
13.00 – 13.45 What’s new in topical therapy? CN
13.45 – 14.30 Biologicals: what are they? (lokivetmab) CN
14.30 – 15.00 Kaffe/te med hjemmebag
15.00 – 16.00 Therapy of allergy in cats – what is different? Including Apoquel and PEA CN
Inkluderer overnatning på enkeltværelse på Sinatur Hotel Storebælt i Nyborg samt fuld forplejning med 3-retters menu onsdag.
DVEN Medlemmer: 3000 kr. inkl. moms
Ikke medlemmer: 3500 kr. inkl. moms (inkluderer et års medlemsskab i DVEN)
4/8 2020 kl. 12.00 efter “først til mølle” princippet.
Efter den 5. august 2020 vil det ikke være muligt at få refunderet kursusgebyret.
Sinatur Hotel Storebælt, Østersøvej 121, 5800 Nyborg
DVM Nanna Enemark, Anicura Aarhus Dyrehospital
DVM Mia Espersen, ScanVet Animal Health,
Betina Posgaard (sponsorer)
Dr. Chiara Noli graduated in veterinary medicine from the University of Milan, Italy, in 1990. After a residency at the University of Utrecht, Holland, she obtained the European Diploma in Veterinary Dermatology in 1996. Since then she works as referral dermatologist and dermatopathologist in Northern Italy.
Dr. Noli was President and Founder Member of the Italian Society of Veterinary Dermatology, President of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology and Board Member of the International Society of Veterinary Dermatopathology and of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology; she is currently Vice President of the European College of Veterinary Dermatology and member of the Global Veterinary Dermatology Education Group.
Dr. Noli is author of more than 100 articles in Italian and international journals, of nine book chapters and three veterinary dermatology textbooks, and co-editor of the book “Veterinary Allergy” published by Wiley (2014). She has given several hundred lectures in Italy and in other countries of four continents. Her main interests are feline allergy, food hypersensitivity and quality of life assessment in veterinary dermatology.